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The answer is "No"; a right circular cone has a circle as its base while a right triangular cone has a triangular base (which we usually call a "pyramid".

The Egyptian Pyramids have square bases.

And the volume of any "right" pyramid is found by multiplying the area of its base by its VERTICAL height.

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Q: Does a right circular conehave a triangular as a base?
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Are they alike between a triangle prism and a cone?

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Strictly, if it has a circular base, it is a circular cylinder. Otherwise, it could have an oval base. If the long axis is at right angles (perpendicular) to the plane of the base, then it is a right circular cylinder.

What Difference between cone and right circular cone?

A right circular cone is perfectly balanced on its circular base. Imagine a cone that has a circular base, but leans to one side - this is a non right circular cone.

How is a cylinder and triangular prism alike?

because the cylinder has a circular base and a triangular prism has a triangular base so they are both basic shapes.

What is mean by right circular cone?

A Right Circular Cone is one wherein the base of the cone is circular and the axis of the cone is perpendicular to the base and passes through the center of the base and the vertex of the cone.

Is a right circular cone can have a triangle as a base?


what Is an oblique circular cone?

In a right circular cone a line from the vertex to the center of the circular base is perpendicular to the base. In an oblique circular cone that same line will not be perpendicular.

Difference between cone and right circular cone?

In a right circular cone the apex is directly above the centre of the base.

Does a triangular prism have a rectangle base or triangle base?

A triangular PYRAMID has a triangular base.

What has a base that is a triangle?

the triforce All triangular pyramids, also called tetrahedrons, have a triangular base. All triangular antiprisms, also called octahedrons, have a triangular base. All triangular prisms have a triangular base.

What shape is the base of a triangular prism?

A triangular prism can have a square or triangular base.

The figure formed by the intersection of a solid with a plane parallel to the base of the solid is congruent to the base if the solid is?

A prism. A prism is named for its base, eg a triangular prism has a triangle for the base. If the base is a circle, the circular prism is called a cylinder.