

Does a sphere has a height?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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11y ago

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yes it does!

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Q: Does a sphere has a height?
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What is the height of a sphere with a diameter of 3.8?

A sphere's height will always be the same as its diameter.

How do you find the radius of a sphere given the height?

The radius of a sphere is 1/2 of its height.

How do you find the height of a sphere when you have the volume 1232 and radius 7?

If the radius is 7 and the volume is 1232 the shape cannot be a sphere so you cannot find the height of a sphere when the shape is not a sphere!

Is a sphere 3D or 2D?

A sphere is three-dimensional. It has height, width and depth.

What is the volume of a sphere of of 12 inches diameter 6 inch radius and height of 17?

Your measurements are not those of a sphere. The 12 inches and 6 inches are OK, but if it's a sphere, its height would equal the diameter and be equal to 12 inches. Please repost your question and change either the height or the word, "Sphere".

How do you find the height of a sphere when you have the volume?

Vol = 4/3*pi*r3 so given the volume, you can calculate the radius. Height of sphere = 2*radius.

What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 12 inches and a height of 23 inches?

A sphere of radius 12 inches cannot have a height of 23 inches. It is, in that case, a flattened sphere and a lot more detailed information about the flattening is required to find its volume.

How do you find the height of a sphere when you only have the diameter?

I can't really believe you're asking this.What's the difference between height, width or diameter when the object is a sphere?It measures the same all over.The diameter IS the height, and the width, and the depth.

Calculate volume of a sphere with a radius of 5 and a height of 1?

A sphere with a radius of 5 has a volume of: 523.6 cubic units.

How can you prove that the volume of a sphere is equal to the volume of a cylinder provided their radii are equal and the height of the cylinder is equal to the diameter of the sphere?

I'm quite sure this is impossible to prove, because the volume of a sphere is not equal to the volume of a cylinder with the same radius and height equal to the sphere's diameter. This can be shown as: Volume of sphere = (4*pi*r3) / 3. Volume of cylinder = pi*r2*h. Here, the height, h, of the cylinder = d = 2r. So, the volume of the cylinder = pi*r2*2r = 2*pi*r3, which obviously does not equal the volume of the sphere. The volume of half a sphere (with radius r) is equal to the volume of a cylinder(whose height is equal to its radius, r) minus the volume of a cone with the same height and radius. Therefore, the volume of a sphere is just double that. If you follow the nearby link, you can see a nice demonstration of that.

What is the relation between sphere and cone?

The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes proved that the volume of a sphere is four times that of the cone with base equal to a great circle of the sphere and height the radius of the sphere. Maybe this is what the poser of the question meant.

How do you find the height of the sphere when you know the height of the cube?

if the cube is inside the sphere you needto do some trigonometry and algebra to find out the height or diameter of the sphere. I have never heard someone ask what the height of the sphere is... i didn't think it existed. im pretty sure you need to know the diameter of the sphere. since you didnt give me any numbers to work with this is going to be a confusing explanation. first, the length of the diameter of the sphere is the same length as the length of one corner of the cube to the opposite diagonal corner of the cube. second, you can find this length by applying pythagoreans theorem (a2+b2=c2). third, since you know the height of the cube you need to find the length of the diagonal of one surface of the cube. you can do this by cutting one ofthe surfaces ofthe cubes into a triangle and using the pyth. theorem and solve for the diagonal. remember this number. now take this number and use the pyth. theorem again with the height of the cube and then ythis is the diameter of the sphere.