

Does a trapiziod have all equal sides?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does a trapiziod have all equal sides?
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Is a trapiziod a regular shape?

If the 2 nonparallel sides are of equal length it is a regular trap. Otherwise it is not.

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What is the defrence between a trapiziod and a square?

The difference (not defrence) between a trapezoid (not trapiziod) and a square is that a square has two pairs of parallel sides, all of equal length, that meet [pairwise] at right angles. A trapezium has only one pair of parallel sides, the other pair must be non-parallel. The four sides cannot be of equal length (at most three can), and at most two angles can be right angles.

How many sides on a trapezoid?

a trapiziod is a quadrilateral so it has 4 sides

What is the difination of a trapiziod?

one pair of oppiste sides is parallel.

How many verticles does a trapezoid have?

The figure of a trapiziod has 4 sides.

What is a trapiziod?

A trapizoid is particularly a shape in which, has precicely four sides to be exact.

A quadrilateral with one and only one pair of parallel sides?


Is a trapiziod an isosceles trapiziod?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals but a trapezoid has different properties than an isosceles trapezoid which has 2 equal base angles.

A quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parallel sides and 1 pair of congruent sides?

Trapiziod!! Hope That Helped!! ^^

What does a trapiziod shape look like?


Can you name a trapiziod that is not a parallelogram?

A trapezoid (called a trapezium in the UK) has one pair of opposite sides parallel.It is called an Isosceles trapezoid if the sides that aren't parallel are equal in length and both angles coming from a parallel side are equal, as shown.No trapezoids are parallelograms anyway because only one pair of sides is parallel.A kite can be one.