An irregular pentagon that looks like a hut
FORWARD 2RIGHT 135FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2RIGHT 90FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2RIGHT 90FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2RIGHT 90FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2RIGHT 90FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2RIGHT 90FORWARD 2LEFT 150FORWARD 2copy & paste into answer box :-)from~***Pinkypegasus***~ (all servrs but white)
If two angles in a triangle are congruent to two angles in another triangle, then the ______________ angles are also congruent.
No, An equilateral triangle has 3 congruent angles, an isosceles triangle has 2 congruent angles, a scalene triangle has no congruent angles.
A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.
There are 3 angles in a triangle
A triangle has 3 angles.
The simplest shape that can have 2 right angles is a rectangle or a square. You can make an unlimited number of more complex shapes, though. A house shape is a pentagon with 2 right angles--you could even make it with 3 right angles.
A triangle with 3 acute angles is an acute triangle. All the angles in an acute triangle are acute.
A triangle has 3 angles and 3 sides, which is why it is called a TRIangle.
A triangle has no right angles when it is not a right angle triangle as for example as in the case of an equilateral triangle that has 3 equal 60 degree angles.
A triangle has three internal angles and three external angles, for a total of six angles.