

Does an equilateral triangle have 360 degrees?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No. An equilateral triangle has three angles, each of 60 degrees.

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Q: Does an equilateral triangle have 360 degrees?
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What is the sum of the exterior of a equilateral triangle?

The sum of the 3 exterior angles of an equilateral triangle add up 360 degrees

How many degrees are in the exterior angle of an equilateral triangle?

120 degrees x 3 = 360

What does equilateral triangle have in common with a scalene triangle?

The sums of their interior angles both total to 360 degrees.

What kind of figure can be rotated less than 360 degrees around the center point and coincide with the original figure?

If it's an *equilateral* triangle, a triangle. Check out quadrilaterals (squares, rectangles), then *equilateral* pentagons, hexagons, etc. Generally, an equilateral polygon needs only rotate (360/number of sides) degrees to coincide.

How many degrees is one of the angles in an equilateral triangle?

there are 60 degrees in one of the angles in an equilateral triangle

Is an isoceles triangle 180 degrees or 360 degrees?

The angles of all triangles have a sum of 180 degrees.An isoceles triangle has at least 2 equal sides (if all three are equal, it is an equilateral triangle).

Why will a equilateral triangle tessellate?

Each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees. In order to create a regular tessellation of an area, we need for the angles of the polygons we are putting near each other to sum to 360 degrees. If you place six equilateral triangles so that all of them share a vertex, and each triangle is adjacent to two others, you get 60*6 = 360 degrees in that vertex. Please see related link for a demo of a triangular tessellation.

Does the inner angles of an equilateral triangle total of 360?

No. The three interior angles of any triangle, no matterwhat shape it is, always total 180 degrees.

Why do square triangle and hexagon tessellate?

I think it has something to do with their angles all adding up to 360 degrees! If you take the internal angle measure of a hexagon (150 I think) and add it up to the 90 degrees in a square and the 60 degrees in an equilateral triangle, you get 360! so it all works out. But squares and hexagons can only tessellate with equilateral triangles so bear that in mind. I think it has something to do with their angles all adding up to 360 degrees! If you take the internal angle measure of a hexagon (150 I think) and add it up to the 90 degrees in a square and the 60 degrees in an equilateral triangle, you get 360! so it all works out. But squares and hexagons can only tessellate with equilateral triangles so bear that in mind.

Can an equilateral triangle also be abtuse triangle?

No, a triangle can only be equilateral if all of its angles = 60 degrees and 60 degrees is acute, not obtuse.

Can an equilateral triangle have a right angle?

No, an equilateral triangle can't have a right angle, because an equilateral triangle has 3 equal angles of 60 degrees that add up to 180 degrees.

How many degress does an equilateral have?

180 degrees in an equilateral triangle.