

Does an exponent have an opposite?

Updated: 3/24/2020
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12y ago

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The inverse function of the exponential is the logarithm.

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Q: Does an exponent have an opposite?
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The opposite of a square root (exponent 1/2) is the square (exponent 2).

Can a coefficient of a exponent be negative?

Yes, a coefficient of an exponent can be negative. Negative coefficients indicate the opposite direction or opposite effect of positive coefficients in mathematical expressions.

What rule allows us to change the sign of an exponent?

1 divided by a number with an exponent is the same as the number to the exponent of opposite sign. For example 1 divided by 2 to the third power is the same as 2 to the minus 3 power

What is the smallest raised number in a power that tells how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent.

How do you turn a negative exponent into a positive exponent?

Move the base number to the 'other side" of a division bar and change the exponent to the opposite sign. Example: 1/9 = 3^-2 becomes 1/(3^2) or 4 = 1/ (2^-2) becomes 2^2. Try it on your calculator to check your work.

What is the exponent if an exponent is not given?

if there is no exponent shown, then the exponent is 1. ex: 41

Is 25 an exponent?

Yes, 25 CAN BE and exponent. Any number can be and exponent

What is the exponent of meter?

The exponent is a characteristic of a number. A measurement unit does not have an exponent. Since a metre is a measurement unit, it does not have an exponent.

What is the exponent in 10 to the 5 power?

Power = 5 = exponent. That is, exponent = 5.

What is the lost exponent?

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How do you get the exponent?

you get an exponent when you multiply EXAMPLE 10x10x10=1000 that is an exponent NO DONT THINK THAT IF THE EXPONENT IS 3 YOU MULTIPLY IT BY 3 NO WAY JOSE

What is the exponent and base for 262144?

The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5