

Does an isosceles triangle have 2 sets of parallel sides?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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No triangle has parallel sides but an isosceles triangle has two equal sides of the same lengths.

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Q: Does an isosceles triangle have 2 sets of parallel sides?
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Does an isosceles have two sets of parallel sides?

if your talking about an isosceles triangle than no because an triangle has three sides not four.

Can a triangle have 2 sets of parallel sides?

No. A parallelogram has two sets of parallel sides.

Does a triangle have 3 sets of parallel sides?

no, it has 3 sides, and none are parallel.

What quadrilateral has 2 sets of parallel sides and 2 pairs of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid has a pair of parallel bases and a pair of congruent sides

Does a triangle have 2 sets of parallel sides?

A triangle has only three legs, none of which can be parallel. You may be thinking of a parallelogram.

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NO; by definition a parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides, while a triangle has 3 sides.

Can a triangle have 2 parallel sides?

Nope, never. Parallelograms are classified as having 1 or 2 sets of parallel sides, not triangles.

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What is a polygon with two sets of parallel sides?

A quadrilateral or a pentagon can have up to 2 pairs of parallel sides.A hexagon or heptagon can have up to 3 pairs of parallel sides.and so on.So, apart from a triangle, any polygon can have two sets of parallel sides.

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how many sets of parallel lines are in a triangle

What is a quadrilateral with opposite sides and opposite angles?

The practical answer is a parallelogram, which has two sets of parallel opposite sides and two sets of equal opposite angles. This includes rhombi, rectangles, and squares.A trapezoid (trapezium) has one set of parallel opposite sides that are not equal, but may have non-parallel opposite sides equal in length (isosceles trapezoid).

What shape has 2 opposite sides parallel?

Any shape that is not a triangle may have 2 parallel sides, although regular polygons only have parallel sides when the number of sides is even. For a quadrilateral, a trapezoid(UK trapezium) has 1 set of parallel sides and a parallelogram (either a rhombus, rectangle, or square) has 2 sets of parallel sides.