

Does cross-cancellation always reduce two fractions?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No, it is quite possible for the fractions not to have common factors, even if you cross-cancel.

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Q: Does cross-cancellation always reduce two fractions?
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Reduce them to their lowest terms

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If the fractions are both proper fractions ... equivalent to less than 1 ... thenthat's always true ... the product is always less than either factor.

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Only if you have just two fractions.

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you divide the numerator by the denominator, if you get the same to the other fractions, it is proportional. Another solution is if you reduce the two fractions to simplest form and they are the same, they are also proportional.

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Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.

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There is no such thing as THE two fractions. There are infinitely many fractions.

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You multiply the numerator not the denomanater because the demomenator will always be the same.

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You first convert them to similar fractions, i.e., to fractions that have the same denominator.* Step one: find a common denominator.* Step two: convert both fractions to equivalent fractions that have that denominator.

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There can be no answer because fractions are infinitely dense. Between any two fractions you can find another and between those two - yet another. So there can never be a next because you can always find one in between.