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Like charges repel

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Q: Does positive attract to positive
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How do magnets attract and don't attract?

Magnets have a positive pole and a negative pole. Magnets attract positive to negative, and do not attract if you try to put postive to positive or negative to negative.

Will positive and negative attract or repel?

they will definatly attract

Will positive and positive attract or repel?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

Which metals attract as opposed to repel?

All of the metals attract and repel, but if a: negative and positive come together= attract positve and a negative come together= attract negative and negative come together= repel positive and positive come together= repel

What type of charges attract one another?

if it is electric charges opposite charges attract each other so negative charge attract positive charge and positive charge attract negative charge also in some cases like charges body attract each other and also +ve charged body attract neural body

Why do bubbles attract?

the bubbles attract because they are the same type and they are positive.

Do positive and neutral attract each other?

both positive and negative objects attract to neutral object so yes positive and neutral will attract each other.

What do a neutral and a positive charge do?


What is the difference between positive and negative electric fields?

Positive electric fields attract negative charges while negative electric fields attract positive charges.

Will a ball with a positive charge attract or repel a ball with negative charge?


What is the best answer about two adjacent electrical charges if both are positive they attract if both are negative they attract if one is positive and one is negative they attract if one is positive?

Two like charges will repel each and will be attracted to the opposite charges.

Do opposite charges attract each other?

If the atoms have opposite charges (positive to negative) they will attract. If the atoms have the same charges (positive to positive or negative to negative) then they will repel. You can look at the Law of Electric Charges to get more information on this.