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No, you only lose water weight which you gain back quickly

Yes it does. Have you even tried it? I am former military and I had to do this diet before going to basic training. I am also doing the diet now, and on the second day as I was eating my lunch, my stomach was growling meaning my metabolism was racing. The key is you have to make a lifestlyle change. How badly do you want it?

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Any diet that claims that you will loose weight in three days is unhealthy, this one is no exception. Drinking excessive amounts of tea, and coffee is hard on your heart, acts as a diuretic, and dehydrates you quickly. This is why you should only be on it for three days. The weight loss is false and not long term.

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Q: Does the 3 hour diet work?
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Where can I find more information on 3 hour diet?

For more information on 3 hour diet contact a licensed Nutritionist. A nutritionist should be able to educate one on the 3 hour diet and determine whether it is beneficial for one's health.

how exactly does 3 hour diet works?

The 3 hour diet is basically where you only eat in 3 specific hours of the day. It is a good diet if you really want to lose that weight that you hate having.

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no it doesnt work at all sorry!!

What are the benefits of the 3 Hour Diet?

There are many benefits of the 3 Hour Diet. Some of these benefits include weight lose, a sense of accomplishment, and a better feeling of life and its many struggles.

Does the 4 hour body diet work?

The author of The 4-Hour Body claims to help you lose weight just by changing your eating habits and without exercise. Chad Chandler lost 7 pounds in two weeks on this diet. He blogged about it here:

How does the "4 hour body" work?

The four hour diet basically eliminates carbs from your diet. It is proven to help you lose weight fast by getting rid of junk food such as fries, chips, and bread. It has great reviews.

Does the 3 apple a day diet work?

According to, the 3 apple a day diet does work in the aspect of reducing hunger, therefore eating less, and losing weight. However, the article does suggest that the dieter CAN eventually become bored with apples at every meal and discontinue the diet thus rearing the diet ineffective.

Where can I find more information on three hour diet?

The 3-hour diet is endorsed by Oprah and claims to be a method of increasing someone's metabolism by eating small meals or snacks every 3 hours. More information can be found here

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African slaves that work for 3 shillings an hour

Does the 3 hour diet really work?

The 3 hour diet may seem strange at first, but it actually works. The founder believes in small, more frequent meals, and there are no bad foods on the list. Meal-size portions are important, and there are also other stipulations like eating within one hour of waking, eating small, frequent meals throughout the day, and stopping eating three hours before bedtime. The founder is such a passionate believer in his diet that he actually tells his proponents to eat candy bars. However, he suggests that a person stick to the miniature versions of candy bars versus going for the king size versions.

Website that lists possible side effects of 3 hour diet.?

As with any diet, it could be unhealthy and you should seek your doctors advice before starting any diet. From what I understand, the diet doesn't place a lot of emphasis on nutrition. You should focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed or high fatty foods. Getting in a little excercise and getting active can work wonders too.

What is 1-3 of an hour in fractions?