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Q: Does the magnification based on the length measurements correspond to the magnification based on the width?
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Does the magnification in a microscope based upon the length measurement coincide with the magnification based on the width?

The magnification in a microscope is the same for both length and width measurements when using the same objective lens. The magnification factor is determined by the combination of the objective and ocular lenses in the microscope, resulting in equal magnification for both dimensions.

Created in 1795 it is a decimal system of measurements based on its unit of length?

metric system

What are linear measurements in the metric system based on?

Linear measurements in the metric system are based on the meter, which is the fundamental unit of length. Other units such as centimeters, millimeters, and kilometers are derived from the meter using prefixes.

The Richter scale is based on measurements of?

The Richter scale is based on measurements of *Amplitude*. (^_^)

Why are systems of measurements used in the past considered unreliable?

Older systems of measurement did not have sufficient precision, since they were based upon such things as the length of an arm, or the length of a foot, when different people have arms or feet that have different lengths.

What is the relation between wave length and the color of light?

The color of light is determined by its wavelength. Shorter wavelengths correspond to blue and violet light, while longer wavelengths correspond to red and orange light. The human eye perceives different colors based on the wavelength of light that enters it.

Measurements used in the metric system?

Common measurements in the metric system include meters for length, grams for mass, liters for volume, and seconds for time. These measurements are based on units of 10, making conversions between them easier than in other systems.

What sytem of units do scientists use for measurements?

Scientists primarily use the International System of Units (SI) for measurements. The SI system is based on seven base units, including meters for length, kilograms for mass, and seconds for time. It provides a consistent and standardized way for scientists to communicate measurements and experimental results.

What is the relationship between physics and measurements?

Practically all measurements are based on physics.

What is based on measurements of amplitudes of seismic waves?

The magnitude of an earthquake is based on measurements of amplitudes of seismic waves. This measurement provides an indication of the energy released at the earthquake's source.

What did mendeleev's ordering actually correspond to?

Atomic mass. The modern table is based on atomic number.

What are the average measurements of the human body including arm length?

The average arm length for men is around 25-26 inches, while for women it is around 23-24 inches. The average height for adult men is about 5 feet 9 inches, and for adult women it is about 5 feet 4 inches. These measurements can vary based on ethnicity, genetics, and other factors.