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Q: What numeric system based on time and angle measurements?
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Time and angle measurement are based on this numeric system?

The sexagesimal system (base 60).

What is a numeric system that is based on increments of ten?


Created in 1795 it is a decimal system of measurements based on its unit of length?

metric system

What are linear measurements in the metric system based on?

Linear measurements in the metric system are based on the meter, which is the fundamental unit of length. Other units such as centimeters, millimeters, and kilometers are derived from the meter using prefixes.

How do you find the length of an arc in a circle?

You can measure it with a string. If you want to calculate it based on other measurements, you can multiply the radius times the angle, assuming the angle is in radians. If the angle is in degrees, convert it to radians first.

Did the sumerians invent a math system based on units of 60?

The Sumerians developed a number system based on the unit 60, which was called sexegesimal numeric system. It was also used by the Babylonians.

What are the two system of measurement and how do they differ In TLE subject?

The two systems of measurement include the English system which is based on the foot measurements, and the Metric system based on the Meter as the unit of reference.

What does numeric mean?


What does numeric. mean?


What are the two system of measurement and how do they differ TLE subject?

The two systems of measurement include the English system based on the foot measurements, and the Metric system which is based on the Meter as the standard unit of reference.

The Richter scale is based on measurements of?

The Richter scale is based on measurements of *Amplitude*. (^_^)

The first system of measurements that was based on unit of tens was the what system?

The first system of measurements that was based on units of tens was the metric system. This system was established during the French Revolution in the late 18th century and is now widely used around the world for its simplicity and consistency.