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It is on the X Chromosome (male have XY chromosome Females have XX Chromosome)

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Q: Does the male or female pass colorblindess to the offspring?
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Why can female only pass only an x chromosome to offspring?

The female can only pass on ONE "X". an XX female offspring must get the second X from the father.

Who do Men pass their X chromosomes to?

Men pass their X chromosomes to their daughters. Men have both X and Y chromosomes. If they were to give their offspring an Y chromosome, it would have to be a male. If they gave their offsping an X chromosome it would have to be female. XX is female, XY is male.

What determines the sex of an organism-?

The sex chromosomes determine the sex of an organism. In humans, it is the 23 pair. Females pass on either or their X chromosomes, while males pass on either their X or their Y. If the male passes on their X chromosome, the resulting offspring is female. If they pass on their Y chromosome, the resulting offspring is male.

Two parents pass on their genes to offspring in?

Through sexual reproduction -- a gamete from the female meets with a gamete from the male

What is the pattern of sex linked inheritance?

In humans sex linked traits are passed on the X chromosome. (For the purpose of this discussion the trait being passed is recessive.) This means that a male parent cannot pass the characteristic on to his male offspring, but he can pass the trait on to his female offspring. The female parent can pass the trait on to any of her offspring. Both parents must carry the allele for the sex-linked trait (and pass it on) in order for a female child to have the characteristic. Male children that get the trait from their mother will have the trait no matter what the genetics of the father. If the female parent is heterozygous for the trait 50% of her male children will have the characteristic no matter the father's genetics for that trait. Assuming that the characteristic is not lethal and both parents are "carriers" (keep in mind that the father displays the trait and a heterozygous mother will not)... 50% of the sons will have the trait, 50% of the sons will not have the trait, 50% of the daughters will be homozygous for the trait and 50% will by heterozygous "carriers".

Can Trichomoniasis be spread to the offspring of a female carrying it?

No, trichomoniasis does not pass to the baby of a woman who is infected.

If the male parent has the genotype AAA and the female parent has the genotype AAA offsprings genotype will be?

The offspring's genotype will be AA. Both parents are homozygous dominant, AA, having only dominant alleles to pass on to their offspring. So each parent can pass on only the dominant allele (A) to its offspring. So the offspring will also be homozygous dominant, AA.

At a drug test for a job will they see if a male uses female pee to pass the test?

yes male pee is much stronger, smarter, and generally more agreable than female pee.

What is the diffence between proven and unproven alpaca?

"Proven" refers to whether or not a male alpaca has sired offspring that carry his desireable genetic traits. An unproven alpaca, therefore, is a male that has either not been bred or does not have enough offspring old enough to determine if he will pass on the desired traits. A proven alpaca is a male that has sired offspring that carry his desired traits, which makes him more valuable as a breeding animal.

Do humans only pass sex-linked traits to their offspring?

Humans only pass traits, sex-linked or not, to their offspring. There is no way to pass a trait to anyone except offspring unless through gene implant.

Does a witch power pass from parent to offspring?

yes it can pass

When organisms reproduce they pass on what?

They pass on some of their genes to their offspring.