

Does the tally numeral system use negative numbers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does the tally numeral system use negative numbers?
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Did tally marks have negative numbers?

The tally marks I'm familiar with cannot have negative numbers because they are used to count real things and there cannot be a negative apple

How do you make a frequency table of all negative numbers?

by counting the amount of numbers and puting them in a tally.

How did the Roman Numeral system begin?

There is no definite answer, but it seems likely it was derived from an Etruscan tally stick method of counting.

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They created numeral numbers & the 365 calender ( Started by using tally marks) =]

Why did the roman chose x to represent 10?

The Roman numeral system was based on the tally marking system, where each unit was represented by a vertical stroke. The letter "X" was chosen to represent ten because it resembles two crossed lines, which could be seen as a more efficient way to represent a tally of ten units. It was a practical and visually distinctive symbol to represent the number ten in the Roman numeral system.

Why was the roman numeral system invented?

When primitive man began to settle into farming communities he needed some kind of method to keep a tally of his farming stock and so numerals, which originated from notches on a stick, were invented out of necessity. The Roman numeral system was not invented by the Romans but by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

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What is a difference between a tally table and a frequency?

a tally table use whole numbers and frequency use the same number

What is the difference between a frequency table and a tally chart?

tally are these kind of stripes that represent numbers. For example one stripe is equal to 1 two tally stripes is equal to two etc when you come to five you have to put a diagonal line across the stripes. In frequency tables you just use numbers 1,2,3 etc

What was the first form of numbers?

Marks cut into a tally stick