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Q: Don't make friends If you're ever matched in the arena together you have to kill you Finish this quote from the film 'Spartacus'?
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Finish this quote from the film 'Spartacus' don't make friends If you're ever matched in the arena together I have to kill you?


Finish this quote from the film 'Spartacus' blank don't make friends. If we're ever matched in the arena together I have to kill you?


Finish this quote from the film 'Spartacus'?


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"You must finish alone what we started together."

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If you are playing with a bunch of friends for fun, you dont have to finish out within a few feet. If you are in a tournament and it is stroke play, you must finish out. If you are playing match play, your competitor can determine if you have to finish out or not.

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need to finish your question!

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Melt the ends together, I think!

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the average would be 25 minutes. Is that the question?

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Yes, it is possible. As long as they can pass the U.S MLE step 1,2 and 3 and can be matched for a recidency program.

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