left to right
Assuming that shere = sphere and raduis = radius, the answer is 942 square units.
Assuming that raduis = radius, the total surface area is 132 square units.
1407.43 units2
The length of a radius (not raduis) is diameter/2.
No, it cannot be a raduis. It cannot be a radius, either.
The radius (not raduis) is approx 60,268 km.
Surface area = 4*pi*r^2 so r = sqrt[Area/(4*pi)]
The ratio of the surface areas is (earth's radius/moon's radius)^2 where the radii are in the same units.This gives the answer as 13.40, approx.And, incidentally, the word is radius, not raduis!
The radius (not raduis) is 6 inches.
The radius (not raduis) is 1.25 cm.
The radius (not raduis!) is 3.183 cm, approx.