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a number times 3 subtracted by 20 is -4

a x 3 - 20= -4

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Q: Examples of equation of translating verbal equations?
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Is there only way of translating verbal phrases to mathematical expression?

answer = no

What must be considered in translating verbal phrases to mathematical phrases?


What is the verbal equation for a number decreased by four is -12?

You just wrote the verbal equation. Do you mean the algebraic equation? X - 4 = - 12 ---------------

Example of verbal and non verbal communication?

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What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.

Give an Example of verbal communication with kids?

When talking to kids, use simple and clear language to ensure they understand. For example, instead of saying "tidy up your toys," you could say "put your toys in the toy box." This helps children know exactly what you're asking them to do.

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What are the examples of communication problems?

verbal,non verbal, formal, informal, active listening

What is the difference between non verbal and verbal communication and give examples?

verbal is speaking communication but non verbal is non speaking communication like verbal is speech and non verbal is news paper

What is The verbal equation for X-5 equals 12?