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it created an electrical charge

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Q: Explain clearly what happened when Thales rubbed the amber with the silk cloth?
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What Thales rubbed with silk?


What happened when Thales rubbed the amber and the silk cloth?

Thales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher, discovered that rubbing amber with silk created an electric charge in the amber which caused objects to be attracted to it. If rubbed enough, it created a spark, much like we receive when we walk on carpet and touch a doorknob and see, hear and feel the spark.

How did the thales experiment produce static electricity?

when the two objects are rubbed,certain other object are attract to them.

How the thales experiment produced static electricity?

when the two objects are rubbed,certain other object are attract to them.

How did Thales create static electricity be accident?

Thales discovered static electricity accidently in 585 BC when he rubbed by chance fur and amber and observed that with it he could attract very light weighted objects like feathers etc.

What was the first experiment with static electricity?

By BC 600, a philosopher by name Thales rubbed fur by amber and found that rubbed amber attracts piece of fine particles. This was the first experiment conducted I think so.

What did Thales of Miletos do to create a static electric charge?

he rubbed amber and it could pick up pieces of sticks, fur, wool or straw!

What are some history facts about static electricity?

About 600 BCE, a Greek mathematician named Thales was the first to record amber rubbed with animal fur attracted light objects.

What is the ancient explanation for static electricity?

Around 600 BC, the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus thought that amber had a soul because it attracted very light objects after being rubbed.

Who discovered static electricity in 600 BC?

A philosopher named Thales discovered it when he rubbed a cloth on a hard-fossilized material called Amber it would pick the straw in his barn up.

When did the Ancient Greeks discover electricity?

The Greeks discovered that if amber was rubbed it could produce sparks. They thought it was a special property of amber. The Greek word for amber was Elektron, hence the modern word.

How can you explain the presence of a charge on the rubber rod after it has been rubbed with wool?

real good