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it created an electrical charge

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Q: Explain clearly what happened when Thales rubbed the amber with the silk cloth?
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What Thales rubbed with silk?


What happened when Thales rubbed amber with silk?

When Thales rubbed amber with silk, he observed that the amber attracted small objects like feathers and hair. This phenomenon is known as static electricity, where the friction between the amber and silk causes the transfer of electrons, giving the amber a temporary charged property.

What happened when Thales rubbed the amber and the silk cloth?

Thales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher, discovered that rubbing amber with silk created an electric charge in the amber which caused objects to be attracted to it. If rubbed enough, it created a spark, much like we receive when we walk on carpet and touch a doorknob and see, hear and feel the spark.

What was the date when did thales discover static electricity?

Thales of Miletus is said to have discovered static electricity around 600 BCE. He observed that when amber was rubbed with fur, it attracted lightweight objects like feathers.

Who discovered static electricity in 600 BC?

Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek philosopher, is often credited with discovering static electricity around 600 BC. Thales observed that when amber was rubbed with fur, it gained the ability to attract lightweight objects like feathers.

How did Thales create static electricity be accident?

Thales discovered static electricity accidently in 585 BC when he rubbed by chance fur and amber and observed that with it he could attract very light weighted objects like feathers etc.

Who establish that objects can be charged by rubbing?

Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek philosopher, is credited with discovering that objects can be charged by rubbing them, around 600 BCE. He observed that amber could attract lightweight objects after being rubbed with fur.

What are some history facts about static electricity?

About 600 BCE, a Greek mathematician named Thales was the first to record amber rubbed with animal fur attracted light objects.

When was static electricity first discovered?

Static electricity was first discovered in ancient Greece around 600 BCE by Thales of Miletus when he observed that amber (a fossilized tree resin) could attract lightweight objects after being rubbed.

What did Thales of Miletos do to create a static electric charge?

Thales of Miletos is credited with discovering that rubbing amber with fur creates a static electric charge. He observed that after friction, the amber attracted small objects like feathers.

When did the Ancient Greeks discover electricity?

The Greeks discovered that if amber was rubbed it could produce sparks. They thought it was a special property of amber. The Greek word for amber was Elektron, hence the modern word.

How the thales experiment produced static electricity?

when the two objects are rubbed,certain other object are attract to them.