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3, 9, 27, 81, 243

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Q: Find all the numbers less than 500 that have 3 as their only prime factor?
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Prime numbers between 180-220?

For this kind of question, I would suggest looking up a table of prime numbers. As an alternative, you can try to find factors for each of the numbers - if it has a factor, it is NOT a prime. For this range of numbers, testing for prime numbers up to 13 is appropriate. (If 17 is a factor of one of these numbers, the other factor is less than 17, so you would already have found it before you reach 17.)

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2 and 7 are prime numbers less than 10 that are factors of 42 and 70.

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Find all the numbers less than 1000 that have 3 as their only prime factor?

3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729

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Use a factor tree. 1955 391,5 23,17,5

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When they have a common prime factor. When their GCF is greater than 1.

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To find prime numbers less than 100, the sieve of eratosthenes filters out 1 and all multiples of 2, 3, 5, and 7. All remaining numbers less than 100 are primes.

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What are the numbers less than 500 that have 3 as their only prime factor?

3, 9, 27, 81, 243