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Q: Find angle x on a kite shape if two angels are 22 and 137 degrees and two lines are equal?
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An angle with a measure equal to 180 degrees?

An angle of 180 degrees has no name, but its subtending lines would form one straight line.

How many degrees are there in a horizontel line?

Longitudinal lines themselves are imaginary constructs, having no real width, and therefore, no angle to measure. The angle between longitudinal lines on a globe depend on how many longitudinal lines are used to encircle the globe. Assuming that all longitudinal lines are equidistant, the angle can be found by dividing 360 degrees by the number of longitudinal lines. Typically, a globe will be given 36 lines of longitude, so the angle between longitudinal lines is equal to 360 degrees divided by 36 lines, or 10 degrees.

How do you make a 80 degree angle with a ruler and a compass?

Construct a 90 degree angle isosceles triangle which will have equal sides and then divide the base into 9 equal parts joining the parts by lines to the apex of the trangle. Each line represents 10 degrees and 8 lines will equal to 80 degrees.

How many and what angle is formed when 2 perpendicular lines create?

When two perpendicular lines cross you get four equal angles of 90 degrees.

Give 3 classification of technology?

"right angle" is two lines that intersect at 90 degrees "acute angle" is when 2 lines meet at less than 90 degrees "obtuse angle" is when lines meet at an angle more than 90 degrees , a straight angle is when 2 lines meet at exactly 180 degrees.

How do you draw a rhombus without it becoming a square?

To draw a rhombus without it becoming a square, simply make sure that all four sides are of equal length, but the angles are not 90 degrees. Use a ruler to measure and draw lines of equal length, connecting them diagonally to complete the shape.

How many lines of symmetry has an equilaterial triangle?

There are three lines, three angles, and three sides or a triangle. Each angle of the equilateral triangle is exactly 60 degrees, because each angle is equal.

What is the angle where perpendicular lines intersect?

90 degrees angle

True or false The slope is equal to the angle of a line?

true or false ? perpendicular lines intersect at an angle of 45

What angle do perpendicular lines make?

A right angle which is ninety degrees or 360 degrees which is a revolution.

What are the angle properties of intersecting lines?

When 2 straight lines intersect vertical opposite angles are equal and the 4 angles created add up to 360 degrees

What is a small square placed at the bottom of perpendicular lines?

It is an indicator that the angle formed at that point is a right angle (90 degrees).The small square at the crossing point of two perpendicular lines serves to indicate that the two lines indeed form an angle of 90 degrees.