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Q: Find one of the factors when 27a3-64 is factored completely?
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What is meant by Write the expression in factored form?

It means - Look at the expression. - If necessary, copy it to your scratch paper. - Using any method you need, find the factors of the expression. - Once you have the factors, write them on the test or homework sheet.

What are the prime factors of 40?

The prime factors of 40 are 2 and 5 To find the prime numbers of 40, you can find its prime factorization. Start with any two of its factors, such as 8 X 5. 5 is a prime number, but 8 can be factored into 4 X 2. 2 is a prime number, but 4 can be factored into 2 X 2. The prime factorization of 40 is 2 X 2 X 2 X 5, so the prime numbers in 40 are 2 and 5.

What is 8x squared yz 16 x y squared z squared - 24xyz squared factored completely?

8(x^2)(yz)(16x)(y^2)(z^2)-24xy(z^2). Combine like terms: 128(x^3)(y^3)(z^3)-24xy(z^2). Now, find the common factors and move them to the left. They both share 8xy(z^2), so, we can combine make the expression look like this: 8xy(z^2)[16z(x^2)(y^2)-3]. This is factored completely.

What is the least common multiple and greatest common factor of 8 and 12?

8=2^312=3x2^2To find the LCM take 2^3x3=24To find the gcf take 2^2=4I factored them into primes and took the largest factors to find the LCM and the smalles to find the gcf.Dr. Chuckakamathdoc

How many factors does a composite number have?

Composite numbers are those numbers greater than 1, that have more than 2 factors. Your question is too ambiguous! I don't completely agree with the words above. Composite numbers are all numbers that are not prime numbers. In other words, composite numbers are divisible by other numbers besides themselves and 1. To find the number of factors in a composite number, put the number into prime factored form. For example, the number 24 in prime factored form is 2^3 X 3^1. To find the number of factors of 24, add the number 1 to each of the exponents and multiply their sums. The exponent of 2 is 3, and the exponent of 3 is 1, so (3+1)(1+1) = 4 X 2 = 8. There are eight factors of 24. They are: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24. Here's my question: does anyone know the name or concept behind this algorithm, including more like them? Thanks.

How to find prime factorization of 96 with the Chart?

You find one factor - for example 2, or 3 - and divide the number by this factor, to get the other factor; for example: 96 = 3 x 32 Then you verify whether any of the factors so far can be factored any further; for example, a factor of 32 is 4: 96 = 3 x 4 x 8 ... and continue until none of the factors can be split into any smaller factors.

When is a polynomial factored completely?

It is factored completely if it can not be factored any more. Quite simply, when all like terms have been combined, and all common factors taken out. 2x + 10y + 8x - original equation 2x + 8x + 10y - rearrange equation (2x + 8x) + 10y - combine terms 10x + 10y - note common factor 10(x+y) - factored 14xy + 10y + 6 - original equation 2(7xy + 5y + 3) - factor out two. 2(y[7x + 5] + 3) - factor out y. This is factored completely. 10x + 3xy + 6y. It is really hard to make a call on this one. You can factor it either like x(10+3y) + 6y, or 10x + 3y(x + 2). However, polynomials become more complicated that this, however. Try factoring this: x2 - 4x + 4 That isn't so easy to factor because there are no like terms. However, it is easy to note that the third term is positive. It is also easy to note that the second term is negative. So, you know that if it is able to be factored, that the factors will both have a minus sign. Using a little deductive reasoning, you'll find that this factors down to (x-2)(x-2), or (x-2)2. How about this? x4 - 1 Note that despite the fact that there is an x4 in this, it still follows the rules of difference of squares. Thus can be factored (x2 - 1)(x2 + 1) Looking at this, you can see, again, another difference of squares. So, we continue factoring. (x+1)(x-1)(x2 + 1). Now comes probably to the heart of the question. How do we know that x2 + 1 is factored as far as it can go? x2 + 1 can be rewritten as x2 + 0x + 1. We can note in this instance that the second and third terms are both positive. That means for this to work, there must be case where two positive terms added together equal zero. (x + )(x + ). By logical determination, we can conclude that there is no such number that makes this possible. Thus, x2 + 1 is factored as far as it can go, and thus: (x+1)(x-1)(x2 + 1) is also completely factored. Another example: x2 -5x - 14 First of all, we start by making observations. Both second and third terms are negative. That means, when we factor this, each binomial factor will have a different sign. We can start by writing out the ground work. (x + )(x - ). Then we try to come up with divisors of 14. In this case: 1, 2, 7, 14. We need to find two that when subtracted equal 5 (different signs equal subtraction when combining like terms). In this case, 7 and 2. Note, for the second term, 5, to be negative, the larger of the two numbers must be negative (-7 + 2 = -5) So, this equation factored is (x + 2)(x - 7)

The LCM of 6 and 18?

6.To find the least common multiple, factor each number to its prime factors and then multiply all the factors from the first number with any factors in the second number that are not repeated from the first number. The prime factors of 6 are 3 and 2. 18 factored to its primes is 2 x 3 x 3. So multiply 3 and 2 from the first number (6) and ignore the factors of 18 since they repeat the factors of 6. Take the product 6, as the LCM.

List all the factors of 14 from least to greatest?

Short answer: {1,2,7,14}Obviously 1*14 = 14, so 1 and 14 are two factors. 1 and the number itself is always two factors, no matter what number you have. You also know that 2*7 = 14. So now you have at least 2 and 7 as factors, right? 2 and 7 are both prime numbers, so now you know you won't find any other factors. This is because a prime number cannot be factored into smaller numbers.

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744To find the least common multiple, factor each number to its prime factors and then multiply all the factors from the first number with any factors in the second number that are not repeated from the first number. 24 factored to its primes is 2 x 2 x 2 x 3. 31 is a prime number. Then, multiply 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 31 to get 744.

If you are given a quadratic relationship in factored form how can you find an equivalent expression in expanded form?

you have to use F.O.I.L method to simplify it.