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Q: For what fraction of geologic time life has existed on earth for what fraction of geologic time have human existed on the earth?
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Do earthquakes have weather geologic or human causes?

Earthquakes result from stress in the earth's crust, so the are of geologic origin.

What type of life forms existed on earth?

human beings

How does the existence of humans on earth compare with the duration of geological time?

Here's an example to demonstrate the length of time that human beings have existed when compared to the time from Earth's formation:Observe the length of your arm from your shoulder to your fingertips. This will represent geologic time; the time from the formation of the Earth. Run a fingernail file across the end of the fingernail of your longest finger. You have just erased the period of time in which Homo sapiens has existed.

Does wildfires have weather geologic or human causes?

It's a human and geologic cause.

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Length of time species has existed on earth

How does human existence relate to geologic time?

Human existence has been very brief compared to the entire expanse of geologic time.

Does hurricanes have weather geologic or human causes?

Hurricanes should be an weather related and geologic in nature

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in a volcano whatdoes the catastrophe have weather geologic or a human cause

Should the Human species have existed?

If it existed, it was because it should, but not in the way it existed.

Does a hurricane have a geologic human or weather cause?

it has a weather cause. ----- The cause of a hurricane is warm water providing power to rising heated air, which produces a cyclonic set of winds because of the rotation of the earth. I would say geologic is the best description of these three.

Does a hurricane have human geologic causes?

No. Although geologic features can influence them, hurricanes are produced as a result of certain weather conditions.