

Fraction 80 percents over 100 equals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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80/100 = 80%

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Q: Fraction 80 percents over 100 equals?
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How do you do percents to the simplest fraction form?

To convert percents to fraction divide by 100 as for example 25% as a fraction is 25/100 = 1/4 in its simplest form.


percents are numbers over 100

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9/100. Percents can be turned into fractions by placing the given number over 100

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310 as a fraction is 310 over 100 which equals 310%

How are fractions and percents similar?

a percent is a fraction out of 100 but instead of showing /100, you see %

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When do you have to know how to change percents to fractions?

To change % to fraction: Divide the % by 100% Example: To change 93% to fraction: 93%/100% = 93/100

How do you turn percents Ino a fraction?

how to turn 30% in a fractionyou just do 30 over 100 then reduce it.IT ISN'T THAT HARD!!

80 percents over 100 equals 130 over what?

80/100 = 130/X --> 80*x = 100*130 --> 80x = 13,000 --> 13,000/80 = x --> x = 162.5

How you can explain how to change percents into decimals and fractions?

Percents are hundredths. To change a percent to a fraction, put it over 100. To change a percent to a decimal, divide it by 100, which means move the decimal point two places to the left. 3i% = 31/100 = 0.31

How are percents and fraction different?

A percent is a fraction that always has 100 as the denominator (bottom number). So 14% is 14/100 or 0.14.