

Geometric figures having three line segments for sides?

Updated: 11/19/2021
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Q: Geometric figures having three line segments for sides?
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A geometric figure having three ling segments for sides?

A triangle is a geometric figure that is made of three line segments. It is a closed figure and has three angles.

A geometric figure having three line segments for sides?

A geometric figure that has three line segments for sides is a triangle. Rectangles and squares are made of four line segments, while a circle is made out of a pair of arcs.

What is a geometric figure that has three line segments as sides?

A Triangle

A geometric figure three line segments for sides?


What is a geometric figure with 3 line segments for sides?


What geometric figure has three line segments for sides?

This is the description of a triangle.

What is a closed geometric figure made up of at least three line segments or sides?

A polygon.

What are geometric figures if they have equal corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides?

They are similar.

What does it mean when 2 geometric figures are similar?

It means that the sides of one are directly proportional to the corresponding sides of the other. That all the corresponding angles are equal.

What is the tetra hedren?

It is a geometric figure having four sides (like a pyramid.)

Does a polygon always have 4 sides?

No, A polygon is a closed geometric figure whose sides are nothing more than line segments. Each corner of a polygon where two sides intersect is called a vertex of the polygon.

What geometric figures are the sides of an angle?

Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds A full rotation measures 360 degrees