The greatest common factor of the numbers 39, 13 and 26 is 13.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 13
The Greatest Common Factor of 13, 39, 26 is 13.
The GCF of 26 and 39 is 13.
The GCF is 13.
the answer to your question is 26
The GCF is 13.
The GCF is 13.
13 2*13 = 26 3*13 = 39
To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 26, 39, and 52, we need to identify the common factors of these numbers. The factors of 26 are 1, 2, 13, and 26. The factors of 39 are 1, 3, 13, and 39. The factors of 52 are 1, 2, 4, 13, 26, and 52. The greatest common factor among these numbers is 13, as it is the largest number that divides all three numbers without leaving a remainder.
The GCF is 13.