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"Four or fewer".

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Q: Has an isosceles triangle four sides or fewer or five sides or more?
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Related questions

What does triangle equals two Times Square plus five equal?

A triangle that has 2 equal sides is an isosceles triangle

What geometric triangle has 5 sides?

A triangle, by definition, has three sides. A polygon with five sides is called a pentagon.

What is a triangle with an obtuse angle called?

There are five different types of triangles named after their angles. Right triangle, Acute triangle, Isosceles Triangle ,equilateral triangle, and obtuse triangle. The Obtuse Triangle is the triangle with an obtuse angle.

What is a triangle with 2 angles of forty-five degrees called?

The third angle must be 90 degrees, so you have an "isosceles right triangle".

A triangle with 5 sides is a what?

A triangle with five sides is a pyramid. There are four sides that originate from each of the four edges of the bottom square, which is the fifth side.

What is a five sided 3D triangle?

A 3-D TRIANGLE cannot have 5 sides.

What is the shape and base of an pentagonal pyramid?

The base is a pentagon. It has five isosceles triangles rising from the sides to a point above it.

What is a 5 sided triangle?

A triangle by definition only has 3 sides, so a 5-sided triangle does not exist - unless you are including the in-side and out-side of it as two more sides. A five sided polygon is a pentagon.

Examples of six kinds of triangle?

There are only three kinds of triangle - equilateral, where all three sides are the same - isoceles, where only two sides are the same - and scalene, where no sides are the same. The right triangle is a special case of the isoceles or scalene. Even if you consider the right triangle different, which is is not, that only make five kinds of triangle.

Math trivias about polygons?

A polygon with four unequal sides is a quadrilateral. A polygon with five sides is a pentagon. The polygon with the least number of sides is the triangle.

How many sides does a 3d triangle have?

If you're talking about a pyramid - it has either four or five sides (including the base) depending on how it's constructed.

How many sides do 2 hexagons 2 pentagons and 1 triangle have altogether?

There are six sides in a hexagon, five in a pentagon, and three in a triangle. So in 2 hexagons, 2 pentagons, and 1 triangle there are 2*6 + 2*5 + 1*3 = 12 + 10 + 3 = 25 sides altogether.