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He has 32 horses and 43 ostriches.

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Q: He counted a total of 75 heads and 214 legs. How many horses and how many ostriches does old McDonald have?
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Raul counted 47 heads and Esteban counted122 legs how many ostrich and llamas?

4 ostriches and 43 llamas

Do ostriches hide their heads in the ground?

They don't. It's a myth.

Do ostriches spend 10 hours a day hiding their heads in the ground?

NO. They don't put there heads in the ground, it is a fake fable.

Do flamingos stick their heads in the sand?

Neither ostriches, or flamingos bury their head in the sand.

Which large birds that don't fly but when frightened are supposed to bury our heads in sand?

Ostriches and Emus supposedly bury their heads in the sand when frightened, but it is not actually true.

How does ostriches behave?

Mythically, ostriches stick there heads in the sand when they feel they are in danger. So to behave like an ostrich is to ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away.

Is it true that ostriches have to constantly sit on their eggs?

they sit on their eggs about the same amount other birds do and they do not bury their heads in the ground.

If the ostriches get into a zoo giraffe enclosure and the zookeeper counts 48 heads and 134 legs in the enclosure how many giraffes are in there?


On a farm there are horses and chickens.there are a total of 60 heads and 220 many horses are there?

50 horses and 10 chickens

Why do ostriches stick their heads in sand?

Answer 1: yes when they sleep Answer 2: Answer #1 is a myth. Ostriches have never been documented to ever stick their heads in the sand either when sleeping or when frightened. How are they going to breathe if their heads are in the sand when they sleep? Let alone be able to hear any predators sneaking up on them. You can't hear very well when you have your head in the sand in comparison with having it tucked under your wing. So the answer to the original question is: they don't.

What happens when an ostrich is frightened?

Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in sand, when threatened, ostriches either run away, or may attack by kicking forward with their powerful legs which can cause serious injury and death.

On a farm there are horses and chickens there are a total of 27 heads and 92 legs how many horses are on the farm?