

Height of a bouncing soccer ball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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12 feet

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Q: Height of a bouncing soccer ball?
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What is the world record for bouncing a soccer ball on your knee?

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times

How do geometric sequences apply to a bouncing ball?

The ball does not return to its initial height after bouncing. So the height it reaches after the first bounce will be a fraction of the initial height, etc. This is a geometric sequence with common ratio 5/8.

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bouncing the ball at room temperature, before heating or freezing it, and then measuring the height of the bounce.

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Why does a soccer ball bounce?

Bouncing Soccer Ball With Actionscriptbbc sport football all, well im not really sure what you can use this effect to, I just played around with flash for a while, and found a very easy way to make it look like a ball is bouncing back in space as a ball would on a floor.So using actionscript we will do some simple transition tweens to make this effect, remember its made with actionscript 3.0, and will not work with previous versions of flash.Hover the mouse cursor over the soccer ball to see the bouncing effect. visit source

Why does a bounceing ball rise to a lower height with each bounce?

A bouncing ball lowers and its height each time it bounces because of gravity counter acts the force of rise

When was Bouncing ball created?

Bouncing ball was created in 1925.

Why does a ball never bounces back to the same height that it was dropped from?

Gravity pulls it back to earth. The gravitational pull isn't strong enough to keep the ball from bouncing but it can limit the height.

What is the bowling ball and soccer ball thing again on newtons second law of motion?

A bowling ball and a soccer ball, dropped from the same height will hit the ground at exactly the same time.

What is initial height in feet in kicking a soccer ball by a kid assuming you are on top of a building?

the height of the building.

Is bouncing ball an example of simple harmonic motion?

yes a bouncing ball is an example of SHM

When a bouncing ball stops bouncing where does the energy go?
