At least two points are required to name a line segment.
line segment
straight line.
the diameter
a diameter
The circle's diameter.
line segment, line ab, __ ab
This is simply called a line. <---------------O-------------------------------O----------------------> But this is called a line segment: O-------------------------------------------O
You need two.
segment AB
For any line, there needs to be two points. If the line passes through points and extends in both directions forever, it's a line. If the line just goes between the two points, its called a line segment. If the line goes through both points but only extends in one direction, it's a ray.
It's a segment, and you name a segment the same way you name a line, except you remove the 2 arrows (pointing to the left and right), so It'll look like this __ AE If the 2 points are A and E, but you get my point
Line segment