To add a link on an answer, you can use the HTML anchor tag.
Currently, you can not place pictures into answers. You can, though, add a "Related Link" to your answer containing the link to the picture.
They can link to any website by adding a link. To add a link on WikiAnswers, you go over to the blue tool bar and click on Edit Links. You can add a website to link to by putting the name and the URL.
Please post URLs with the "ADD LINK" button, not in the Answers Fields.
On a message board:To add a hyperlink in a message on a message board, you follow this format: [URL_GOES_HERE NAME OF ANSWER HERE].You must include the square brackets, for example:[ This Link is for Google]In an answer? Not:You may not add hyperlinks into answers. Please use the "Related Links" section of the answer to add links. On your profile:Just paste the URL of the link into your profile and it will turn into a link.
Yes - you can include relevant links to answers. Simply use the 'add related link' option to the left of the answer box. You add a title and the link in the appropriate boxes. Please don't post them in the main body of the answer - as that flags the answer for improvement.
Any web address or URL located in the answer will be flagged either by a user or bot. This is because it is located in the answer and not in 'related links'. If you want to add a link to support your answer click add related links and add it.
We are no longer using the "Related Links" feature. Instead, users who are registered Experts can insert the link directly into the answer!Check out "How do you become an Expert in a category?"
No. If you need to add a link to a website in order to enhance your answer, you should use the "add related links" button in the tool bar.
No, you cannot add photos to illustrate answers on WikiAnswers.
Not in the answer directly - they need to be included via the 'Add related link' option in the left-hand blue panel.
Copy link and add it