The steps are as follows:
Draw a circle in which to inscribe the pentagon and mark the center point O.
Draw a horizontal line through the center of the circle. ...
Construct a vertical line through the center. ...
Construct the point M as the midpoint of O and B.
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If you want it divided into five equal parts, draw a dot in the center of the pentagon, and draw a line form each vertex to the dot. You should now have five equal triangles.
One possible way to divide a pentagon into five parts is (assuming this is a convex pentagon) to start by placing a dot directly in the center. Then, draw a 5 lines from that center dot connecting to the 5 points around the edge of the pentagon. You should now have 5 triangles instead of 1 pentagon.
pentagon has five equal sides
Draw the pentagon on the outside of the circle with all five sides touching the circle. Now by dividing the pentagon into 5 equal segments to the center, the circle is divided as well into 5 equal segments. Mathmatically speaking, see the related link for more information
Sure, honey. Technically speaking, you can't divide a pentagon into 3 equal parts with straight lines. A pentagon has 5 sides, so you can divide it into 1, 2, or 5 equal parts, but not 3. Math can be a real buzzkill sometimes, can't it?
A pentagon must be a closed polygon with five straight sides and five vertices.
an irregular pentagon has five sides but the sides are not equal
A pentagon is a five sided two-dimensional object. A regular pentagon would have all five sides and angles equal.
Regular pentagon.
A pentagon may have zero, two, three, four, or five equal sides.A regular pentagon is one in which all five sides are equal.
A pentagon is a plane figure bounded by five straight lines. It does not equal 180 of anything.
A regular pentagon. A regular pentagon has five sides of equal length and its five angles are also equal. The term regular implies the notion of equal sides and equal angles.