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A single cube already is a 3-dimensional figure.

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Q: How Mandy cubes does it take to make a 3 dimensional figure?
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What is the word that means the number of the unit cubes that make up a solid figure?


What Two dimensional shape can make a solid figure?

a rectangle or square

What is the two dimensional pattern that you can fold to form a 3d figure?

A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.

What 3-dimensional figure can you make with 2 congruent pentagons and 5 congruent rectangles?

A pentagonal prism.

How to construct a 3 dimensional tetra decagon?

i need to make a 14 sided figure from straws and pipe cleaners

Why is knowing the amount of edges and vertices help you make a 3 dimensional figure?

Using the Euler cahracteristic, these two items of information uniquely determine the number of faces for a simply connected polyhedron. That might help you make a three dimensional figure but you will need to be practised to recognise patterns in these numbers.

What is the net of a triangular prisim?

A net is a two-dimensional figure which can be folded into a three-dimensional figure. It's a little difficult to describe in words . . . To make a regular triangular prism, start with a rectangle, and divide it into three equal (narrow) rectangular strips. on the two ends of one of these strips, make equilateral triangles.

How many larger cubes can you make when you have 100 centimetre cubes?

You can make four.

The rectangular prism is 4 cube by 2 cubes How many cubes make up the prism?

A rectangular prism that is 4 cubes by 2 cubes is made up of 8 cubes.

How many cubic yards are in 3600 square feet?

None. Square yards is a 2 dimensional, flat measurement. Cubic yards is a 3 dimensional measurement. It's like asking how many one-inch cubes are in a 12 inch square piece of paper. If you want to MAKE hollow cubes out of flat material, cubes have 6 sides, so a cube one square yard to the side would have 6 pieces to make all the sides, and in that case the answer is 2700 divided by 6 = 450.

Does eighty-one cubes make a square?

Yes, 81 cubes can be arranged in a flat pattern of 9 columns of 9 cubes.