It is difficult to tell whether the period in "10.000" is supposed to be a decimal point or a digit separator (this usage depends on where you are from), so I will answer for both.
If it is a decimal point, then 10 pennies = 0.1 (one tenth) United States dollars.
If it is a digit separator, then 10,000 pennies = 100 United States dollars.
The conversion of pennies to dollars in United States currency is 100 pennies = 1 dollar.
10000 - 3333 and a third of a penny = 6666 and two thirds of a penny.
There are 100 pennies in 1 dollar then there would be 10,000,000 pennies in one million dollars. 1 million = 1,000,000. Instead of penny say cent. Cent is the correct word for 1/100 of a dollar.
about 20 dollars
Approximately 6 Zimbabwe dollars make 1 penny (UK penny)
How man 100 25ยข are in Dollars
It takes 10 dimes to make one dollar. Divide 10000 by ten and you get 1000 dollars. $1,000.00