

How accurate is pi?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: How accurate is pi?
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What is the accurate value of pi?


Estimated the most accurate calculation of pi?

3.1459/it 2556998512545123113

What are the most accurate fraction for Pi?

355/113 = 3.141593

Does the size of the diameter of a circle determine the accuracy of pi?

Yes. The larger the circle you're measuring, the more accurate that pi will be.

What scientist arrived at a fairly accurate calculation of the value of pi?


What is the most accurate fraction for pi?

Pi, being irrational, has an endless number of digits to the right of the decimal, as you know. But for almost any application, even basic engineering, a value of 3.1417 is highly accurate.

Most accurate calculation of pi?

According to most news sources (and Wikipedia), the most accurate calculation of pi currently stands at five trillion digits (5,000,000,000,000 digits!) That's quite a lot.

What is the formula to figure out the area of a circle with pi being 3.14?

Area = pi * radius squared A = pi * r2 Best to use the calculator value of pi to 9 places for more accurate answers.

What ancient Greek mathematician estimated the most accurate calculation of pi?


This ancient greek mathematician estimated the most accurate calculation of pi?


Why is it not possible to work out the accurate area of a circle when given its diameter?

The formula for the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. The number pi is only used in an approximate form, since the decimal expansion of pi is infinitely long and non-repeating. Consequently, all calculations of the area of a circle are also approximate. However, you can be as accurate as you want to be. Pi has been calculated to thousands of decimal places, which is ridiculously more than you would ever need for any practical purpose. In most cases, the approximation of pi as 3.14 is close enough. Your result will be accurate, it just won't be 100% accurate.

What is the most accurate fraction found to get the number pi?

main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133