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Q: What is the accurate value of pi?
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Is the value of pi controlled by the curvature of the universe?

No, pi is a mathematical constant, independent of the physical world. In the case of space curvature, the formula for the circumference of a circle might no longer be completely accurate, but that doesn't affect the value of pi.

What is the most accurate fraction for pi?

Pi, being irrational, has an endless number of digits to the right of the decimal, as you know. But for almost any application, even basic engineering, a value of 3.1417 is highly accurate.

What is the formula to figure out the area of a circle with pi being 3.14?

Area = pi * radius squared A = pi * r2 Best to use the calculator value of pi to 9 places for more accurate answers.

What is the example of truncation error?

Suppose you want to calculate the area of a circle with a radius of 10 cm.If you use pi = 3.14 the area will be calculated as 314 cm^2if, instead, you use pi = 3.145159, the area will be 314.5159 cm^2if you use pi, as used by Excel on my computer, you will get 314.159265358979 cm^2.If you use the most accurate value of pi (currently around 10 trillion digits) you will get a more accurate value of the area.The difference between the calculated value and the true value is the truncation value.

Information about the discovery of pi by aryabhatta?

Aryabhatta did not discover pi - it was known long before him. He found a more accurate value and a method for calculating pi to greater accuracy than was previously known.

What is the exact value of pi x100000000000000000000000000000000000000?

The exact value could never be expressed as a number, as pi is an irrational number. The integer value would be: 31415926535897932384626433832795028841 If you want a slightly more accurate value: 31415926535897932384626433832795028841.9716939937510582097494 If you want an exact value: ∞ (∫e-x² dx)2 × 1038 -∞

Why mathematics call 3.14 pi?

Well, 3.14 isn't really accurate pi. pi is the value when circumference of the circle is divided by it's radius. It makes easier to estimate the length of circumference of the circle. Pi = 3.141592..............(infinite)

Where is pi found in a circle?

The value of pi is equal to the length of the circumference (outside edge) of a circle divided by its diameter (the distance across the circle, measured through its center) It turns out that this pi relationship is true for all circles. The value of pi is never precisely exact, but for all intents and purposes, 3.1415 is plenty accurate.

What is the value of pi by 2?

The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.

Who created the formula for determining the value of pi?

archimedes, pi is the name of the greek letter p, which was used as the shortened version of the greek word perimeter,or circumference of a circle. archimedes was looking for a formula to find the area of a circle, and he required a more accurate value for the constant pi. previously pi had been assigned a very approximate value of 1/3 or 22/7.

How accurate is pi?
