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Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

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Q: How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?
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How do the contour lines on a topographic map indicate the slope of land?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.

Contour lines that are far apart indicate?

a gentle slope

How do the contour lines on a topographic map indicate the slopes of the land?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

How do contour lines show steep and gentle?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

Why do you think gentle slopes are shown with more widely spaced lines than steeps slopes are?

Contour lines on a on a topographic map indicate elevations. Since elevation changes gently on gentle slopes the contour lines are further apart. Elevation changes rapidly on a steep slope so the contour lines are closer together.

How does a contour tour map show whether a slope is gently or steep?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

How do lines show steep and gentle slopes?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

What are the contour line rules?

- Contour lines never cross. All lines on a contour line represent one elevation.- The spacing of contour lines depends on slope characteristics. Contour lines that are close together show a steep slope. Contour lines that are far apart show a gentle slope.- Contour lines that cross a valley or a stream are V shaped. The C points toward the area of the highest elevation. If a stream or river flows through the valley, the V points upstream.-The tops of the hills, mountains, and depressions are shown by closed circles. Depressions are marked with short, straight lines inside the circle that point down slope to the depression.

Why does contour lines that show a steep cliff look different from contour lines that show a gentle slope?

one thing is that the countour lines that are steep cliff are more curved to the left side and the other ones the ones that show a gentle slope are curved to the right side

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.

On a topographic map how do you show a steep cliff?

if someone were to make a topographic map they would mostlikly have a bunch a contour lines realy close together because the closer they are together the more steep it i guess they would make close contour lines then make a drop off