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Presumably the questions refer to contour lines.

If that is the case, the answer is as follows:

Contour lines are lines drawn at selected heights on a map. They are lines that join points at the same height above the meas sea level.

A gentle slope is one that does not rise (or fall) as rapidly as a steep slope. That is to say, you have to travel a greater horizontal distance to gain (lose) the same amount of vertical distance or height. So, with a gentle slope, you have to travel a greater distance to get from one contour to the next and so the lines are less close together.

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Q: Why do gentle slopes have more widely spaced lines than steep slopes?
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Why do you think gentle slopes are shown with more widely spaced lines than steeps slopes are?

Contour lines on a on a topographic map indicate elevations. Since elevation changes gently on gentle slopes the contour lines are further apart. Elevation changes rapidly on a steep slope so the contour lines are closer together.

What does the spacing between contour lines tell?

closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

What does the spacing between contour lines tell you?

closely spaced contour lines indicate steep slopes, wider ones indicate gentle slopes

How close the contour lines are an indication of an area's what?

The proximity of contour lines indicates the steepness of the terrain in a particular area. Closely spaced contour lines suggest a steep slope, while widely spaced contour lines suggest a gentle slope.

How do lines show steep and gentle slopes?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a?

Widely spaced contour lines indicate a gradual slope, while closely spaced lines indicate a steep slope.

What does widely spaced lines indicate?

I am very sure that widely spaced lines indicate flatness.

How are gradual elevations shown on a topographical map?

Gradual elevations on a topographical map are typically represented by contour lines that are spaced evenly apart. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope. Gradual elevations are shown by contour lines that form gentle slopes rather than sharp changes in elevation.

On topographic maps contour lines that are farther apart indicate .?

gentle slopes

What type of map show altitude of land features?

A topographic map shows the altitude of land features. It uses contour lines to represent the shape and elevation of the terrain. The closer together the contour lines, the steeper the slope, while widely spaced contour lines indicate gentle slopes or flat areas.

How do contour lines show steep and gentle?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

Are contour lines on a slope spaced wide apart then the slope is very steep?

No, contour lines that are spaced close together on a map indicate a steep slope, while contour lines spaced widely apart indicate a gentle slope.