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Q: How are the reciprocal of a nonzero number and the multiplicative inverse of the number related?
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How are the reciprocal of nonzero number and the multiplicative inverse of the numbers related?

For numbers with ordinary multiplication defined on them, they are the same.

What is a multiplicative especially as it relates to a multiplicative inverse?

Multiplicative means pertaing or related to the mathematical opration known as multiplication.

How does finding an inverse related to a reciprocal?

A reciprocal equation is usually y = k/x where k is a constant. This is an inverse relationship because y is equal to k divided by x.

When you divide one fraction and another why do you have to turn it into a reciprocal?

To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.

What is the inverse property in math?

There are two related identity properties: the additive identity and the multiplicative identity. The additive identity property states that for x belonging to a set, there is an additive inverse in the set, which is denoted by -x such that x + (-x) = (-x) + x = 0, where 0 is the additive identity which also belongs to the set. The multiplicative identity property states that for y belonging to a set, there is a multiplicative inverse in the set, which is denoted by 1/y or y-1 such that y * (1/y) = (1/y) + y = 1, where 1 is the multiplicative identity which also belongs to the set.

Is the inverse function of secant is the cosecant function?

No. The inverse of the secant is called the arc-secant. The relation between the secant and the cosecant is similar to the relation between the sine and the cosine - they are somehow related, but they are not inverse functions. The secant is the reciprocal of the cosine (sec x = 1 / cos x). The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine (cos x = 1 / sin x).

What is a reciprocity?

A reciprocating movement is one in which the direction of movement periodically reverses. It is not confined to linear strokes- a circular reciprocation is feasible. It is the periodic reversal of direction that is important. Literally - in return.

How are exponential and log functions related?

One is the inverse of the other, just like the arc-sine is the inverse of the sine, or division is the inverse of multiplication.

How can you use inverse operations to write related multiplication and division sentences?

Because multiplying is the inverse of dividing

What is the definention of reciprocal?

In Mathematics, "reciprocal" defines a quantity or function related to another so that their product is one. 2/3 is the reciprocal of 3/2 and vice versa.

How is a number and its reciprocal related?

basically, they are opposites of each other. This relates to fractions. The reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3. The reciprocal of 10/16 is 16/10. And so on.

How is frequency and amplitude related?

Frequency and amplitude are not related. Frequency and wavelength are related. The are the inverse of one another.