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The distance from home plate to first base is 90 feet and the distance from first base to second base is also 90 feet making a right angle; you can calculate how far the catcher needs to throw to 2nd base from home by Pythagorean theorem. Answer is 127.3 feet

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Q: How can i use Pythagorean Theorem in the real world with a baseball?
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Related questions

When do you use Pythagorean Theorem in real life situations?

While doing your homework, or on mapping, or for distance.

What is an example of how the Pythagorean Theorem might be used in real life?

it can be used when adding up the sides of a computer toaster

In what ways is the Pythagorean Theorem useful?

In real life its not useful, unless you're going to need geometry in the career you choose.

What uses the pathagorean theorem in real life?

You work as a house painter. When you set up your ladder, you like to set the base 5-ft from the wall, for stability. How high on the wall can you reach with a 12-ft ladder ? With a 15-ft ladder ? With a 30-ft ladder ? ============================================================== The question is not: Can the Pythagorean Theorem help you in real life ? The question is: Is your life real enough yet that you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to make it easier ?

How can the pythagorean theorem be used in the real world?

There are so many real world processes that include the pythagorean theorum. (sorry if I spelled that wrong). About every meaningful (not including McDonalds) job will deal with it. If you are a doctor, doses of medicine to give the patient considering their specific state. Same with a vet. If you are a scientist, you need it for the simplest of procedures to concoct a new theory. An accountant. A mathmatician. Dealing with your own bills! ***Ace***

What to right on a pythagorean theorem paper?

First of all, when you talk about making up a paper with a pen or a computer, learn the difference between "right" and "write". It's important, and you can probably get it right without a spell-checker. Now, what to write in the paper: -- Introduction: Say "This paper will tell about the Pythagorean Theorem and how it's used." -- State the Pythagorean Theorem -- Two or three sentences about who Pythagoras was, and why we remember him after so many centuries. (He must have been pretty smart, and discovered stuff that we still use now.) -- Explain what his Theorem means. -- Make up one or two examples. -- It would really be great if you could find an example of where it's used by somebody on their real job, like maybe a surveyor or a carpenter, and give that example too in the paper. Don't forget to write that you went out and found it outside of school. That's extra credit for sure. -- Conclusion: State the Pythagorean Theorem again, and promise that you'll never forget it as long as you live.

Why is the Pythagorean theorem useful?

The Pythagorean theorem is useful because it allows us to find the length of one side of a right triangle when we know the lengths of the other two sides. It is a fundamental concept in geometry and is used in various fields such as construction, engineering, and architecture. The theorem also aids in understanding the relationships between the sides of a right triangle and helps solve real-world problems involving distances and measurements.

What are 10 complex numbers with the absolute value of 5?

Use the Pythagorean theorem. 5, -5, 5i, and -5i will work, as well as any combination of a real and imaginary number such that (real part) squared + (imaginary part) squared = 25, for example, 4 + 3i, 3 + 4i, 4 - 3i, etc.

Why are formulas important in the real world?

pythagorean therom (a squared plus b squared = c squared), and basically all perimeter and area formuals

When do you use factor theorem in real life?

when simplifying fractions

What is real life example of an scalene triangle?

Any pythagorean triangle with unequal legs.

How do use irrational numbers in real life situations?

pi is the single most important constant in geometry while e is central to calculus.