The GCF of any set of numbers must be less than or equal to the smallest of the numbers. It is the greatest factor that goes into each of the set of numbers and so cannot be greater than any of them.
Since 16 is not a factor of 42, the GCF in this case has to be less than 16.
yes... 16 is not a factor of 42 GCF is 2
The only rule is that the GCF has to be equal to or less than the lower number. Since 16 is not the GCF of 16 and 42, the GCF has to be lower than 16.
because 16 is not a factor of 42 and the GCF is 2.
It can be and is.
It can be and is. Since 16 is not a factor of 42, the GCF will have to be a factor of 16 that is less than 16.
It must be less than or equal to the smallest of the set of numbers whose GCF you are trying to obtain. So it must be less than or equal to 16. Furthermore, it is not 16 because 16 is not a factor of 42. Therefore, it must be less than 16.
Yes, the greatest common factor of 16 and 42 can be and is less than 16. The GCF of 16 and 42 is 2..
Assuming you meant the GCF (greatest common factor). Yes - since the GCF of 16 & 42 is 2 !
It can be and is.