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It is the same as sin(x) but stretched by 5 in the y-direction

i.e. the x-intercepts are at 0, pi and 2pi (or 0, 180, 360 in degrees)

the y-intercept is at 5 and all of the stationary points are at either 5 or -5.

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Q: How can y equals 5 sin x be graphed?
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Y=10^sin(x) The derivative is: (log(5)+log(2))*cos(x)*2^sin(x)*5^sin(x) Use the chain rule, product rule, and power rules combined with sin(x) rule.

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1/sin x = csc x

How do you graph y2x?

y2x is an expression, which cannot be graphed because we don't know what it equals. y = 2x, y2 = x, and 2y (or y2) = x are all things that could actually be graphed.

What is the value sin x if cos x equals 2 over sqrt 5?

It would be 1 over square root 5.

Sin x Tan x equals Sin x?

No. Tan(x)=Sin(x)/Cos(x) Sin(x)Tan(x)=Sin2(x)/Cos(x) Cos(x)Tan(x)=Sin(x)