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Q: How can y form make graphing easier for you?
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Can you tell the gradient without graphing the line?

If you have the equation, yes. If the equation is given in terms of x and y, make y the subject of the equation. That is, expres the equation in the form y = mx + c where m and c are constants. Then the gradient is m.

What is graphing method?

In systems of equations, the graphing method is solving x and y by graphing out the two equations. x and y being the coordinates of the two line's intersection.

Graphing linear equation using the slope and y-intercept of the line?

The y-intercept, together with the slope of the line, can also be used in graphing linear equations. The slope and y-intercept of a line can be obtained easily by inspection if the equeation of the line is of the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

How do you make a parabola on a graphing calculator?

just put x^2=y or (x^2)/y on the calculator, and then it makes a simple parabola.

How do you make a vertical line on a calculter?

You need to use a graphing calculator.Go to: Y = > Y = (type any number) > GraphYour line will be VERTICAL!!!!!!!!!|||||||||||||

What is read first on graphing x or y?

It is: x followed by y

What is the solution of X-Y-4 by graphing?

x-y=4 x=y+4

How do you graph an equation in standard form?

On my graphing calculator, a TI84 Plus, I can enter the equation into the Y= (a button) and then graph it by hitting the Graph button.

Two intercept form in math?

The two intercept forms in math are used mostly in graphing. They would be both x-intercept (or x-intercepts), and y-intercept (or y-intercepts)

How do you solve 2x plus y equals 0 and x-y equals 6 graphing?

By graphing the lines on the coordinated plane they will intersect at (2, -4) which is the solution of the equations

When graphing speed which measurement is on the x axis and the y axis?

If you are graphing speed over a period of time, speed goes on the y-axis and time goes on the x-axis.

What is the x-intercept for 4x-3y equals 20?

If you put this equation in y-intercept form it is y=4/3x+20 If you have a graphing calculator just enter this in "y=" or graph it manually to find the x-intercept.