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i think it is 1/2 x area of the body x depth of water

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Q: How can you calculate pressure exerted on a body by water under gravity in water tank?
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Steam under pressure is the short answer

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if you were to immerse yourself under a meter of mercury the pressure experienced would be greater than if you were to immerse yourself under a meter of water.

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The torr is a unit of measure for pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury that is 1 millimeter in height, under standard gravity. It is commonly used in scientific and engineering applications to measure low pressures.

When swimming under water pressure becomes greater?

Yes. The water pressure exerted on your body is greater than air pressure, and increases with depth.

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Weight them under gravity or calculate from momentum of impact or spring load under centripetal force in space. Then refer the weight or the force to the gravity of earth at 9.81m/s2 and account for its' weight under earth gravity.

Is earth atmosphere under pressure?

Because there is gravity, that pulls stuff to the core.

Why prevents stars collapsing under the force of their own gravity?

The pressure of the fusing gasses

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it is due to to the pressure and suction of water

Can man live on the core of the Earth?

No. The core of Earth is heated to thousands of degrees and is under millions of times the pressure exerted by air at sea level.

Why does pressure increase under the sea?

Pressure increases because as you go further down, more water is above you being pulled down by gravity.

What are the three things that help keep the pressure low under a train?

There is nothing that is specifically designed to keep the air pressure low under a train. A train is kept on the tracks by gravity, nothing more.

What bone disorder causes headaches from the pressure exerted by enlarged vertebrae on his cord?

This is probably spinal stenosis. Report this to your doctor. It has to be managed medically under a doctor's supervision.