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There are 60 seconds in one minute. So however many meters the car covers

in one second, it covers 60 times as many meters in a whole minute.

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Q: How can you change a rate of meters per second to meters per minute?
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How far in meters will you travel in 4 minutes running at a rate of 6 meters per second?

(6 meters/second) x (4 minutes) x (60 second/minute) = 1,440 meters

What is acceleration and its si unit?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity - how fast a velocity changes. Therefore, its units are naturally (meters/second) / second, usually written as meters/second2.

What are the value and units of acceleration?

Acceleration is a rate of change, over time. Rate of change is a velocity itself, which is "meters per second" - so, "meters per second" increase, per second. This is written as m/s^2.

What is a rate of change?

"Rate of change" means how quickly something changes. Examples in physics include a speed as a rate of change of position - if your position changes 10 meters every second, then that (10 meters/second) is your rate of change of position, or your velocity. Or if your income increases by a thousand dollars a year, then that's the rate of change of your income - how quickly your income changes.

How fast is a hover board moving in meters per minute if it travels at a rate of 37 inches per second?

At 56.39 metres per minute.

What is the speed in meters per minute in the rate of 120 km per hour?

2000 metres per second.

In what units is acceleration expressed a newtons b foot pounds c kilograms d meters per second squared?

Assuming you want the international units: time: second velocity: meters / second distance: meters acceleration: meters / second2

What is the rate of acceleration of an object in free fall on earth?

About 9.8 meters/second2. This means that every second, the velocity will change 9.8 meters/second.

Acceleration is defined as what?

Rate of change of velocity (in advanced mathematics, they call that the derivative of velocity). In other word, how fast the velocity changes. Commonly measured in (meters / second) / second, which is usually written as meters / second2.

How do you label acceleration?

meters per second per second OR meters per second squared. They are both the same this, but meteres per second squared is easier to write.

The phrase tem meters per second squared describes the?

Acceleration= rate of change of speed

How do I convert meters per second to cubic feet per minute?

You can't. Meters per second is a straight off speed, CFM(cubic feet per minute) is a flow rate. You could convert cubic meters/second into CFM though. Here's a link that'll help you with that: