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Q: How can you figure out the density of a irregular rock?
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Mass of rock?

Mass is measured by density multiplied by volume. In order to figure out a mass of a rock, one must know its density and its volume measurements.

What is an irregular figure?

a irregular figure is not a particular shape it may have two or more figures in to make a irregular figure

If a rock had the mass of 25.1 g and volume of 3 ml What is the density of the rock?

d=m/v...figure it out

How would you determine the density of an irregular shaped rock?

Not always easy. Since density is defined as the mass of a unit volume of material,you would measure the volume of the rock by putting it into a container half filled with water and then measure the volume change.

How many lines of symmetry does a irregular figure have?

It depends on the irregular figure. A rectangle, for example, has two.

What is a irregular figures?

an irregular figure is when it is open or have curved lines.

What is a 6 sided figure that is a irregular polygon?

An irregular hexagon.

How do you figure out density of an irregular shaped object such as a key?

density is mass per volume. First weigh (mass) the key, then to find it's volume, place it into a container with liquid and measure how much volume is displaced.

What is the density of a rock that has a mass of 96.2 grams?

there is not enough information to figure this one out, You need the volume (or if you know the elements its made out of , you can figure it out through molar mass)

Method used to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object?

method usede to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object

How could you figure out the volume of an irregular solid such as a rock?

Fill a bowl of water that is bigger than the rock right to the top, add the rock, collect and measure the volume of how much water is spilt. Provide the rock is not porous or very soluble this will provide the volume of the rock.

How to determine the density of an irregular cork?

There are multiple methods as to estimate the density of irregular objects. The cork can be cut into a cylinder form. Using the equation for the volume of cylinder, and density (D = mass/volume) the cork density can be approximated.