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The radius is 6 inches.

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Q: How can you find the radious of 12 inch ball?
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Related questions

What is diameter of 12 inch ball?

12 inches?

How much does a 12 inch Nerf ball weigh?

A 12 inch Nerf ball typically weighs around 6 to 8 ounces.

How do you calculate 12 INCH softball?

How do you calculate? A 12 inch softball is 12 inches in circumference so you would measure around the ball using a tape measure.

How big is a softball?

it depends on what league youre in coach pitch 10 inches minors 11 inches majors 12 inch and so on 10 and under is 11 inches 12 and under and all the way up is 12 inches. I have seen a 14 inch softball and I think they use that in slowpitch In adult recreational leagues, women use an 11 inch ball and men use a 12 inch ball. In colder climates (Chicago, in particular) has leagues that use a 16 inch ball and no gloves during the winter.

What is the weight of a fastpitch softball?

Generally for softball you use a 12 inch ball. The younger age groups will use an 11 inch ball.

How many inches to cover a 12 inch round ball?

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You have an autographed softball by Babe Ruth it was made by H Harwood and is a duro seam 12 inch ball is this authentic?


What size softball is used in high school?

High school softballs ar called 14's. They are the regulation size of ball for any level of competition above 14 and under. You can buy them at any sporting goods store, i would suggest the leather balls, they last longer and you can get a better grip in them.

What size softball field is used for 9 to 12 year olds?

I know the answer but just don't want to type it. The answer is really long.

What size softball is used for ASA or USSSA women's fastpitch softball?

11" circumference for women's slow pitch softball.

What is the difference in the balls used for NSA and ASA Softball?

The compression on NSA softball in official play is 275 pounds on a .52 c.o.r. ball, with the men using a 12 inch ball and the women using an 11 inch ball. The ASA, on the other hand, uses a .52 with a 300 pound compression.

The volume of a ball is 288 cm find the dimensions of a rectangular box to hold the ball?

4, 6, and 12