If the denominator has ANY prime factor other than 2 or 5, then the decimal is repeating.
Is 0.88 repeating a rational number
It is a rational number.
All repeating decimals are rational numbers. Not all rational numbers are repeating decimals.
Repeating decimals are always rational.
A repeating rational number is an irrational number. An irrational number is an number that has no definite end. 4.15 has a definite end and is therefore a rational number.
Yes. Any whole number is rational. An irrational number is one that goes on forever without repeating, like √2=1.414213...
No. A rational number is any terminating numeral. A repeating decimal is irrational.
Yes, a rational number can be a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat infinitely. For example, 1/3 is a rational number that can be written as the repeating decimal 0.333...
No, it is irrational because the decimal goes on without repeating.
Yes, as long as the decimal does not go on forever without repeating.
yes it can be