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The associative property refers to grouping numbers, which allows you to regroup numbers without changing the answer. 2(1x) = (2x1)xThe commutative property refers to changing the order of numbers without changing the answer. 4+1 = 1+4The distributive property refers to distribution of multiplication over addition. a x (b + c) = a x b + a x c

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Q: How can you tell the difference between the associative commutative distributive and the identity properties?
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What is the properties under multiplication?

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What are the math properties?

They are the associative property, distributive property and the commutative property.

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There are four properties. Commutative . Associative . additive identity and distributive.

In math what are properties?

distributive, associative, commutative, and identity (also called the zero property)

Associative distributive or communitive?

Are you asking for an explanation of the Associative, Distributive, and Commutative Properties? The answer is a little long. The first link is a simpler explanation, the second one is more detailed:

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You need the associative and commutative properties, but not the distributive property. n*4n*9 =n*(4n*9) (associative) = n*(9*4n) (commutative) = n*(36n) (associative) = 36n*n commutative = 36*n^2

What are properties in mathematics?

Properties of MathThe properties are associative, commutative, identity, and distributive. * * * * *There is also the transitive propertyIf a > b and b > c then a > c.

What are the same property like Associative property and Commutative property?

Basic number properties (including three properties) and distributive property.

What are the adding rules?

There are four mathematical properties which involve addition. The properties are the commutative, associative, additive identity and distributive properties.A + B = B + C Commutative property(A+B) + C = A + (B +C) Associative PropertyA + 0 = A Additive Identity PropertyA*(B + C) = A*B + A*C Distributive property

How you do Multiplication property?

The multiplication properties are: Commutative property. Associative property. Distributive property. Identity property. And the Zero property of Multiplication.

What are the 3 properties?

Commutative, Associative, identity and distributive Commutative: 3+2 = 2+3 Associative : 2+(4+1)=(2+4)+1 Identity: 1+0=1 or 4x1 = 4 Distributive: 2(3x4)= 2(3)x 2(4)