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Basic number properties (including three properties) and distributive property.

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Q: What are the same property like Associative property and Commutative property?
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What does commutative property and associative property mean?

The commutative property holds that the results are the same no matter the order. Multiplication is commutative since a x b = b x a. The associative property holds that the results are the same no matter the grouping as long as the order stays the same. Multiplication is associative since (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

What is the property of addition and multiplication that makes it possible to change the order of the numbers and get the same answer?

commutative and associative. If the sentence has parentheses then it is associative.

What is the difference between the commutative property and the associative property?

Commutative: a + b = b + a a × b = b × a Associative: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (a × b) × c = a × (b × c) Commutative states that the sum or product remains the same no matter the order of the factors. Associative states that the sum or product remains the same no matter the grouping of the factors.

What are the properties of addition for elementary?

The relevant properties are the commutative property, the associative property, and the property of zero (i.e., if you add zero to a number you get the same number again).

How are commutative and associative properties the same?

the switch the numbers arond

What is the difference between the commutative and associative properties?

associative_is_grouping_same_order_and_commutative_is_the_order_switched_">associative is grouping same order and commutative is the order switched* * * * *Sadly, all that is rubbish.Commutativity: The order of operands can be changed without affecting the result.Associativity: The order of operations can be changed without affecting the result.Thus, the commutative property states thatx + y = y + x.The associative property states that(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) and so you can write either as a + b + c without ambiguity.Although these may seem pretty basic or obvious, they are not true for operations as basic as subtraction or division of ordinary numbers.while the associative property

What signs go with only the associative property?

The answer cannot be addition of numbers because that sign can also go with the commutative property, not "only the associative property" as required by the question. For the same reason, the answer cannot be multiplication of numbers. Also, in both cases, multiplication is distributive over addition.

Why does associative property does not work with subtraction?

Associative property does not work with subtraction because not all numbers can be subtracted and have the same results............

What is it when adding three numbers and regrouping gives the same sum?

It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.

What property is 4 plus 5 equals 5 plus 4?

This is Commutative property Given that A and B are real numbers (1,2,3 etc) (A+b) = (b+a) Commutative property , this shows that either given number that is equaled is always going to be the same answer. Ex. (5+1)=(1+5) Both are the same since they both equal 6 (A+b)+c = A+(b+c) Associative property.

What is commutative property of multipilcation?

The commutative property of multiplication says that the numbers in a problem can change, but the answer will stay the same.

What is the associative property of multiplication?

The Associative property of multiplication states that the product of a set of three numbers is always the same no matter which operation is carried out first.For example Ax(BxC) = (AxB)xC and so either can be written as 3x(4x5) = 3x20 = 60and (3x4)x5 = 12x5 = 60It is important not to confuse this with the commutative (or Abelian) property which states that the order of the numbers does not matter. ie AxB = BxAMatrix multiplication, for example, is associative but NOT commutative.(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)As a result, we can write a * b * c without ambiguity.